Get to know us


As the air cargo community representation, ACB (Air Cargo Belgium) strives to make BRUcargo the most attractive, efficient, innovative and successful logistical platform.

On behalf of airlines, handlers, forwarders, truckers, the airport authority and other stakeholders, we set out strategic and ambitious goals for the development of air cargo. We put in place procedures for improved operations, take the lead in projects and we get in contact with all stakeholders and government agencies to address topics of common interest. We do this by a strong community cooperation and approach.

At all times, our goals and objectives are in the interest of the air cargo community as a group and to the overall benefit of our industry.

Air Cargo Belgium has its offices at BRUcargo, the dedicated cargo area of Brussels Airport. You can find us in building 706, close to the Brussels Airport cargo offices.

Our goals are in the interest of the air cargo community as a group and to the overall benefit of our industry.

  • Strong cargo community working
  • Long term success of all companies at BRUcargo and the cargo community
  • Growth in cargo volumes
  • Increased operational efficiency
  • Optimal qualitative services
  • Marketing and communication



The ACB association could or should be part of a range of tasks and assignments.

  • Lobby towards government agencies: customs, FAVV, BCAA …
  • Facilitation of training, employment, guided tours …
  • Operational efficiency and innovation (RFS, SLA’s, KPI’s, procedures …)
  • Security
  • Safety
  • Communication
  • Infrastructure
  • Competitive environment
  • Enhancing community feeling
  • Projects: BSG, e-freight …
  • Central office activities
  • Central office facilitator for members



  • Strategic members
  • Full members +
  • Full members


Conditions for joining the organisation:

  • Everybody who can contribute to the success and realization of the goals of the organisation.
  • There cannot be a conflict of interest with the mission and goals of the organisation.
  • After paying a membership fee and approval of the RvB you become a member.


The agency Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship is the contact point for entrepreneurs in Flanders. We encourage and support innovation and entrepreneurship, and contribute to a favourable business climate. We focus on Stimulating growth and innovation, Promoting entrepreneurship, Supporting clusters and Improving environmental factors.
We do this in close collaboration with local actors and supported by our international commitments in EUREKA, E.E.N. and H2020.


Entrepreneurial Flanders could be a bit more innovative when it comes down to doing Business. We have the need for more innovative-conscious companies with strong growth ambitions and an international perspective.

We focus on strong partnerships between these companies, knowledge institutes and governments with the aim to develop activities that lead to economic benefits for both the individual and a large group of enterprises.

The Agency Innovation & Entrepreneurship combines forces and means with the Innovative Business Networks. The Air Cargo Cluster is one of these Innovative Business Networks. Discover the others here. #Sterkinnoveren


BRUcloud is the open data sharing platform for the BRUcargo community that enables the different stakeholders in the air cargo supply chain to work more integrated and act as a network. 
Applications are plugged-into the BRUcloud data sharing layer and create quick wins and efficiency gains for the involved stakeholders.  BRUcloud is an initiative of Brussels Airport, based on Nallian’s data sharing technology and supported by Air Cargo Belgium. BRUcloud was built thanks to the support of the VLAIO and VOKA.


ESF is Europe’s main instrument for supporting jobs, helping people get better jobs and ensuring fairer job opportunities for all EU citizens. It works by investing in Europe’s human capital – its workers, its young people and all those seeking a job.


Air Cargo Belgium will map the impact of new and changing processes on the competences of future employees in the aviation sector and formulate related actions and advice through the project that is funded by ESF and the Flemish Government. 
Companies, job brokers, education and training providers and policy makers can use the data to determine future selection criteria, drafting or adapting training plans and expanding other initiatives that are under construction, such as setting up specific career paths for jobseekers who to provide guidance to the airport-bound job market. This will certainly have a positive effect on the quality of the inflow of new employees. In addition, through this project, the networking between business, education and employment mediation is further stimulated which is also one of the major objectives of Air Cargo Belgium. Project starts as from 1/11/2017 for 12 months.



This cooperation by Voka Flemish Brabant, Brussels Airport, Nallian, VIL and Air Cargo Belgium is established to meet the needs of the pharma industry: improve the worldwide logistics distribution process and make this process transparent while promoting Brussels Airport as the preferred pharma gateway. 
1. Airside Pharma Transporter or “Pharma Dolly”: A transport trailer, pre-conditioned at the correct temperature, in order to hold pharmaceutical shipments within the correct temperature limits during transportation between warehouses and aircraft. This innovation at Brussels Airport is a European first! 
2. Pharma Quality Dashboard: A dashboard to create insight in the overall quality of pharma shipments. The dashboard consists of a company-specific dashboard per stakeholder (shippers, airlines, forwarders and ground handlers) and a benchmark dashboard on community level. The quality performance is based on the number of non-conformities following the IATA CEIV Pharma Acceptance Checklist. 
3. Slot Booking Application: A web-based application that controls the process of freight delivery or pick-up at the gates of the Forwarder’s or Ground Handler’s facilities. The application makes it possible for the booker to request a single or recurrent time slot at a specific facility.


Horizon 2020 is the biggest European Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020). It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market.


Clusters 2.0 is to leverage the full potential of European Logistics Clusters for an efficient and fully integrated transport system in Europe and demonstrate the scaling effects for the companies collaborating within logistics clusters. This project has received funding from the Horizon 2020 programme and will provide solutions from four development streams:

  • Establish CargoStream as open Pan-European community approach of shippers to scale supply chain efficiency through bundling their regular transportation demand with other shippers and to favour intermodal alternatives.
  • Develop New Modular Loading Units and innovative handling and transhipment technology to accelerate handling processes within clusters for road and intermodal modes.
  • Implementing a first of a kind prototype on a Cluster Community System for standard message and information exchange and asset management within logistics clusters.
  • Develop governance models introducing the role of a neutral agent that will form the basis for new collaborative business models building up on the work of the FP7 project CO3.

CLUSTERS 2.0 will provide a toolbox for future logistics including large scale IT applications establishing and facilitating collaboration within and across logistics clusters. The consortium consists of 29 partners from 10 European countries and Switzerland. ACB will contribute to working package 3 (symbiotic network of logistic clusters), 4 (New Modular Load Units and Automatized Transhipment), 5 (living labs) and 6 (Evaluation and impact assessment). Project starts as from 1/05/2017 until 30/04/2020.