Digital Green Lane

Project Description

The Digital Green Lane is a uniform standardized pick-up and delivery process between freight forwarders and ground handling agents, supported by the BRUcloud Landside Management applications. This means that all freight is being picked up or dropped off at a registered time slot, all freight information is shared digitally throughout the process and all actions during the pick-up and drop off process are registered by the driver on a mobile device. The applications that make all this possible are the Slot Booking App, Freight Management App, Acceptance and Delivery App and Digital Desk App/kiosk.

Applications Involved

Slot Booking App Booking a timeslot at the ground handler agent
Freight Management App Linking freight to timeslot
Acceptance and Delivery App Registration of timestamps and non-conformities
Digital Desk App / Kiosk Self-service desk to register or book new slot

Process and Benefits

By making use of these digital applications, all partners involved will be able to benefit from substantial advantages in operational efficiency, such as: