Slot Booking App Ground handler in the spotlight - Summer 2019

07 Aug 2019 | Digitisation

In the past months, the freight forwarders with the best performance regarding the usage of the BRUcloud Slot Booking App, were put in the spotlight. In this edition we give special attention to one of the ground handling agents. Also from their side a lot of good work, commitment and effort is put into the usage of the different BRUcloud apps and digitization projects.

Aviapartner was elected as ground handler of the month. They were elected based on the positive feedback from the forwarders using the Slot Booking Application, their participation in Freight Management App 1.0 and Road Feeder Management App and their strong commitment in the ACB digitization steering group. Brussels Airport Company and Air Cargo Belgium had to opportunity to talk to Marc Verstraeten from Aviapartner and to ask him  about their secret recipe. 

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